Robotics: Science and Systems XIV

Adaptive Bias and Attitude Observer on the Special Orthogonal Group for True-North Gyrocompass Systems: Theory and Preliminary Results

Andrew Spielvogel, Louis Whitcomb


This paper reports an adaptive sensor bias estimator and attitude observer operating directly on SO(3) for true-North gyrocompass systems that utilize six-degree of freedom inertial measurement units (IMUs) with three-axis accelerometers and three-axis gyroscopes (without magnetometers). Most present-day low-cost robotic vehicles employ attitude estimation systems that employ micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) magnetometers, angular rate gyros, and accelerometers to estimate magnetic heading and attitude with limited heading accuracy. Present day MEMS gyros are not sensitive enough to dynamically detect Earth's rotation, and thus cannot be used to estimate true-North geodetic heading. In contrast, the reported gyrocompass system utilizes fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) IMU gyro and MEMS accelerometer measurements (without magnetometers) to dynamically estimate the instrument's time-varying attitude in real-time while the instrument is subject to a priori unknown rotations. Stability proofs, preliminary simulations, and a fullscale vehicle trial are reported that suggest the viability of the true-North gyrocompass system to provide dynamic real-time true-North heading, pitch, and roll while utilizing a comparatively low-cost FOG IMU.



    AUTHOR    = {Andrew Spielvogel AND Louis Whitcomb}, 
    TITLE     = {Adaptive Bias and Attitude Observer on the Special Orthogonal Group for True-North Gyrocompass Systems: Theory and Preliminary Results}, 
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems}, 
    YEAR      = {2018}, 
    ADDRESS   = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania}, 
    MONTH     = {June}, 
    DOI       = {10.15607/RSS.2018.XIV.034} 