ACID: Action-Conditional Implicit Visual Dynamics for Deformable Object Manipulation
Bokui Shen, Zhenyu Jiang, Christopher Choy, Silvio Savarese, Leonidas J. Guibas, Anima Anandkumar, Yuke Zhu
KernelGPA: A Deformable SLAM Back-end
Fang Bai, Adrien Bartoli
Occupancy-SLAM: Simultaneously Optimizing Robot Poses and Continuous Occupancy Map
Liang Zhao, Yingyu Wang, Shoudong Huang
Resilient Multi-Sensor Exploration of Multifarious Environments with a Team of Aerial Robots
Graeme Best, Rohit Garg, John Keller, Geoffrey A. Hollinger, Sebastian Scherer
CURL: Continuous, Ultra-compact Representation for LiDAR
Kaicheng Zhang, Ziyang Hong, Shida Xu, Sen Wang
SEER: Unsupervised and sample-efficient environment specialization of image descriptors
Peer Neubert, Stefan Schubert
Equivariant Transporter Network
Haojie Huang, Dian Wang, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
RoboCraft: Learning to See, Simulate, and Shape Elasto-Plastic Objects with Graph Networks
Haochen Shi, Huazhe Xu, Zhiao Huang, Yunzhu Li, Jiajun Wu
Play it by Ear: Learning Skills amidst Occlusion through Audio-Visual Imitation Learning
Maximilian Du, Olivia Y Lee, Suraj Nair, Chelsea Finn
The Surprising Effectiveness of Representation Learning for Visual Imitation
Jyothish Pari, Nur Muhammad (Mahi) Shafiullah, Sridhar Pandian Arunachalam, Lerrel Pinto
Mesh-based Dynamics with Occlusion Reasoning for Cloth Manipulation
Zixuan Huang, Xingyu Lin, David Held
iSDF: Real-Time Neural Signed Distance Fields for Robot Perception
Joseph Ortiz, Alexander Clegg, Jing Dong, Edgar Sucar, David Novotny, Michael Zollhoefer, Mustafa Mukadam
POCD: Probabilistic Object-Level Change Detection and Volumetric Mapping in Semi-Static Scenes
Jingxing Qian, Veronica Chatrath, Jun Yang, James Servos, Angela P. Schoellig, Steven L. Waslander
PropEM-L: Radio Propagation Environment Modeling and Learning for Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Exploration
Lillian Clark, Jeffrey Edlund, Marc Sanchez Net, Tiago Stegun Vaquero, Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi
DICP: Doppler Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
Bruno Hexsel, Heethesh Vhavle, Yi Chen
Iterative Residual Policy for Goal-Conditioned Dynamic Manipulation of Deformable Objects
Cheng Chi, Benjamin Burchfiel, Eric Cousineau, Siyuan Feng, Shuran Song
DextAIRity: Deformable Manipulation Can be a Breeze
Zhenjia Xu, Cheng Chi, Benjamin Burchfiel, Eric Cousineau, Siyuan Feng, Shuran Song
FlowBot3D: Learning 3D Articulation Flow to Manipulate Articulated Objects
Ben Eisner, Harry Zhang, David Held
ViKiNG: Vision-Based Kilometer-Scale Navigation with Geographic Hints
Dhruv Shah, Sergey Levine
MIRROR: Differentiable Deep Social Projection for Assistive Human-Robot Communication
Kaiqi Chen, Jeffrey Fong, Harold Soh
Human Motion Control of Quadrupedal Robots using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Sunwoo Kim, Maks Sorokin, Jehee Lee, Sehoon Ha
Rapid Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning
Gabriel B. Margolis, Ge Yang, Kartik Paigwar, Tao Chen, Pulkit Agrawal
Robotic Telekinesis: Learning a Robotic Hand Imitator by Watching Humans on YouTube
Aravind Sivakumar, Kenneth Shaw, Deepak Pathak
Underwater Robot-To-Human Communication Via Motion: Implementation and Full-Loop Human Interface Evaluation
Michael Fulton, Muntaqim Mehtaz, Junaed Sattar, Owen Queeglay
Gaze Complements Control Input for Goal Prediction During Assisted Teleoperation
Reuben M Aronson, Henny Admoni
Human-to-Robot Imitation in the Wild
Shikhar Bahl, Abhinav Gupta, Deepak Pathak
Variational Inference MPC using Normalizing Flows and Out-of-Distribution Projection
Thomas Power, Dmitry Berenson
Negative Result for Learning from Demonstration: Challenges for End-Users Teaching Robots with Task And Motion Planning Abstractions
Nakul Gopalan, Nina Moorman, Manisha Natarajan, Matthew Gombolay
A Learning-based Iterative Control Framework for Controlling a Robot Arm with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Hao Ma, Dieter Büchler, Bernhard Schölkopf, Michael Muehlebach
Distributed Optimisation and Deconstruction of Bridges by Self-Assembling Robots
Edward Bray, Roderich Gross
Data Augmentation for Manipulation
Peter Mitrano, Dmitry Berenson
Embodied Multi-Agent Task Planning from Ambiguous Instruction
Xinzhu Liu, Xinghang Li, Di Guo, Sinan Tan, Huaping Liu, Fuchun Sun
Bridging Model-based Safety and Model-free Reinforcement Learning through System Identification of Low Dimensional Linear Models
Zhongyu Li, Jun Zeng, Akshay Thirugnanam, Koushil Sreenath
Autonomously Untangling Long Cables
Vainavi Viswanath, Kaushik Shivakumar, Justin Kerr, Brijen Thananjeyan, Ellen Novoseller, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Alejandro Escontrela, Michael Laskey, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ken Goldberg
Factory: Fast Contact for Robotic Assembly
Yashraj Narang, Kier Storey, Iretiayo Akinola, Miles Macklin, Philipp Reist, Lukasz Wawrzyniak, Yunrong Guo, Adam Moravanszky, Gavriel State, Michelle Lu, Ankur Handa, Dieter Fox
Fundamental Performance Limits for Sensor-Based Robot Control and Policy Learning
Anirudha Majumdar, Vincent Pacelli
Certifiable Robot Design Optimization using Differentiable Programming
Charles Dawson, Chuchu Fan
Collocation Methods for Second Order Systems
Siro Moreno-Martin, Lluís Ros, Enric Celaya
Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective
Louis Montaut, Quentin Le Lidec, Vladimír Petrík, Josef Sivic, Justin Carpentier
PROX-QP: Yet another Quadratic Programming Solver for Robotics and beyond
Antoine Bambade, Sarah El-Kazdadi, Adrien Taylor, Justin Carpentier
SymForce: Symbolic Computation and Code Generation for Robotics
Hayk Martiros, Aaron Miller, Nathan Bucki, Bradley Solliday, Ryan Kennedy, Jack Zhu, Tung Dang, Dominic Pattison, Harrison Zheng, Teo Tomic, Peter Henry, Gareth Cross, Josiah VanderMey, Alvin Sun, Samuel Wang, Kristen Holtz
Failure Prediction with Statistical Guarantees for Vision-Based Robot Control
Alec Farid, David Snyder, Allen Z. Ren, Anirudha Majumdar
Proxima: An Approach for Time or Accuracy Budgeted Collision Proximity Queries
Daniel Rakita, Bilge Mutlu, Michael Gleicher
You Only Demonstrate Once: Category-Level Manipulation from Single Visual Demonstration
Bowen Wen, Wenzhao Lian, Kostas Bekris, Stefan Schaal
DiPCAN: Distilling Privileged Information for Crowd-Aware Navigation
Gianluca Monaci, Michel Aractingi, Tomi Silander
Parameterized Differential Dynamic Programming
Alex Oshin, Matthew D Houghton, Michael J. Acheson, Irene M. Gregory, Evangelos Theodorou
AK: Attentive Kernel for Information Gathering
Weizhe Chen, Roni Khardon, Lantao Liu
SVAM: Saliency-guided Visual Attention Modeling by Autonomous Underwater Robot
Md Jahidul Islam, Ruobing Wang, Junaed Sattar
TNS: Terrain Traversability Mapping and Navigation System for Autonomous Excavators
Tianrui Guan, Zhenpeng He, Ruitao Song, Dinesh Manocha, Liangjun Zhang
Hydra: A Real-time Spatial Perception System for 3D Scene Graph Construction and Optimization
Nathan Hughes, Yun Chang, Luca Carlone
Learning Mixed Strategies in Trajectory Games
Lasse Peters, David Fridovich-Keil, Laura Ferranti, Cyrill Stachniss, Javier Alonso-Mora, Forrest Laine
A Local Optimization Framework for Multi-Objective Ergodic Search
Zhongqiang Ren, Akshaya Kesarimangalam Srinivasan, Howard Coffin, Ian Abraham, Howie Choset
Multi-Robot Adversarial Resilience using Control Barrier Functions
Matthew Cavorsi, Beatrice Capelli, Lorenzo Sabattini, Stephanie Gil
FaDIV-Syn: Fast Depth-Independent View Synthesis using Soft Masks and Implicit Blending
Andre Rochow, Max Schwarz, Michael Weinmann, Sven Behnke
Decentralized Safe Multi-agent Stochastic Optimal Control using Deep FBSDEs and ADMM
Marcus A Pereira, Augustinos D Saravanos, Oswin So, Evangelos A. Theodorou
CALI: Coarse-to-Fine ALIgnments Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Traversability Prediction for Deployable Autonomous Navigation
Zheng Chen, Durgakant Pushp, Lantao Liu
Sub-1.5 Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning on Grids in Polynomial Time
Teng Guo, Jingjin Yu
Conflict-Based Steiner Search for Multi-Agent Combinatorial Path Finding
Zhongqiang Ren, Sivakumar Rathinam, Howie Choset
Traversing Supervisor Problem: An Approximately Optimal Approach to Multi-Robot Assistance
Tianchen Ji, Roy Dong, Katherine Driggs-Campbell
Cooperative Multi-Agent Trajectory Generation with Modular Bayesian Optimization
Gilhyun Ryou, Ezra Tal, Sertac Karaman
Meta Value Learning for Fast Policy-Centric Optimal Motion Planning
Siyuan Xu, Minghui Zhu
Soft Robots Learn to Crawl: Jointly Optimizing Design and Control with Sim-to-Real Transfer
Charles Schaff, Audrey Sedal, Matthew R. Walter
Bridge Data: Boosting Generalization of Robotic Skills with Cross-Domain Datasets
Frederik Ebert, Yanlai Yang, Karl Schmeckpeper, Bernadette Bucher, Georgios Georgakis, Kostas Daniilidis, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine
Invariance Through Latent Alignment
Takuma Yoneda, Ge Yang, Matthew R. Walter, Bradly C. Stadie
Correcting Robot Plans with Natural Language Feedback
Pratyusha Sharma, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Valts Blukis, Chris Paxton, Tucker Hermans, Antonio Torralba, Jacob Andreas, Dieter Fox
End-to-End Learning of Hybrid Inverse Dynamics Models for Precise and Compliant Impedance Control
Moritz Reuss, Niels van Duijkeren, Robert Krug, Philipp Becker, Vaisakh Shaj, Gerhard Neumann
FuseBot: RF-Visual Mechanical Search
Tara Boroushaki, Laura Dodds, Nazish Naeem, Fadel Adib
Learning Interpretable, High-Performing Policies for Autonomous Driving
Rohan Paleja, Yaru Niu, Andrew Silva, Chace Ritchie, Sugju Choi, Matthew Gombolay
Learning Forward Dynamics Model and Informed Trajectory Sampler for Safe Quadruped Navigation
Yunho Kim, Chanyoung Kim, Jemin Hwangbo
Action Conditioned Tactile Prediction: case study on slip prediction
Willow Mandil, Kiyanoush Nazari, Amir Ghalamzan
Sample Efficient Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models
Xupeng Zhu, Dian Wang, Ondrej Biza, Guanang Su, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
Understanding Dynamic Tactile Sensing for Liquid Property Estimation
Hung-Jui Huang, Xiaofeng Guo, Wenzhen Yuan
Aerial Layouting: Design and Control of a Compliant and Actuated End-Effector for Precise In-flight Marking on Ceilings
Christian Lanegger, Marco Ruggia, Marco Tognon, Lionel Ott, Roland Siegwart
Adaptive Manipulation of Conductive, Nonmagnetic Objects via a Continuous Model of Magnetically Induced Force and Torque
Griffin F. Tabor, Lan N. Pham, Jake J. Abbott, Tucker Hermans